
VERA members developed, implemented and also participated in dozens of domestic and international projects. Most of them have been co-financed by the European Union and focused on urban development, responsible innovation and communication. During the implementation of these projects, our team has built up and extensive international network covering mostly Europe but also overseas countries.

Our members have great experiences how to work in and implement effectively EU funded project. The international projects developed and implemented by VERA team can be grouped into the following categories:

  1. Interregional projects: we have implemented several projects with great success. Our team is really reliable, who always meet important deadlines, thus the project partners can always trust and count on us.
  2. Transnational cooperation projects: in frames of transnational cooperations, we have developed several projects, most of them are closely connected to the activity of VERA, as these projects included communication activities and also urban development was included in them. Our biggest success is also connected to this type of cooperation, as we won the RegioStars Award – rewarding the most innovative European projects – with the implementation of a transnational project.
  3. Cross-border cooperation projects: we worked on the development of NUTS3 level spatial units in the topic of regional development. In addition to developing and implementing cross-border cooperation projects, we also have extensive experience in the design of cross-border cooperation operational programmes.
  4. Research projects: The strength of our team is the skills to conduct research projects in the field of social sciences. We have implemented several research on regional, national and international level. Our team has also great experience on how to develop new methods and how to develop tailor-made methods that fits to the special characteristics of the target group and the social, economic, environmental and innovation background of the territory.